it has always been the perfect instrument
Knockdown Center, Queens, NY
29 February - 23 October 2020
Press release
Curated by Alexis Wilkinson
Photos by Alexander Perrelli
unable to Title (a reordering of every word written to make sense of [ ] for Catalina by Amanda, Amber, Amy, Andy, Annelyse, Annie, Ariana, Arisa, Avery, Brighde, Chelsea, Ching-In, Christina, Claire, Diana, Douglas, Edward, Elena, Geoff, Geri, Gowri, Hanif, Heather B., Heather N., Jacklyn, Jane, Jennifer, Jesse, Jessica, Joy, Julia, Julie E., Julie W., Jungmok, Kathryn, Keegan, Keith, Kelly, Kenji, K-Ming, LA, Lara, Larissa, Laura, Lillian, Liz, Luca, Lynn, Marci, Maria, Maryam, Maura, Meredith S., Meredith T., Mia, Molly, Muriel, Nathaniel, Nora, Paul, Philip, Raquel, Robert, Rosebud, Sam, Sara, Sarah G., Sarah S., Sarah V., Sennah, Sharon, Terese, Thylias, Victoria, Xandria, and Yanyi), 2020
2-channel video, full text archive of [Conclusion and Findings] (2017—) as of January 2020, 2 flatscreen video monitors, abandoned chaise lounges, steel, plaster, burlap, Celluclay
dimensions variable, 4 hour loop
bitch bench, 2018
steel, polystyrene, plaster, Celluclay, wood, acrylic, epoxy resin
14 x 227 x 37 inches
risk assessment (by what love have I), 2020
abandoned chair, horse tibia, steel, plaster, carpet, traditional Chinese sleeping medicine, pigment, horse hair, glue, water, cigarette butts accumulated from December 2019 to February 2020
68 x 23 x 27 inches
font IV, 2020
soapstone, steel, kombucha mother, horse hair, glue, raw egg, white vinegar
5 x 6 x 13 inches
font V, 2020
soapstone, horse hair, glue, abandoned wood, gifted honeycomb, raw egg, white vinegar
10 x 6 x 10 inches
translatio (…under the, under the porch of the house? At the last moment... It... yelps. As if it’s seen something real.), 2020
abandoned chair seat, horse hair, glue, red polymer lead
12 x 12 x 10 inches